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CyberCafePro Features
System Features
- Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11
- Multi-Language Capability
- Easy Setup Wizard
- Client Application Launch Pad
- 24/7 Online Reporting
- Auto-Updater (MCS & Clients)
- Auto-Connect of Clients to Server (Working LAN Required)
- Client Settings Import & Export
Employee Control Features
- Employee Tracking (Anti-Theft)
- Employee Templates (Manager, Part-Time etc.)
- Employee Point-by-Point Permissions (Over 60 Options)
- Employee Permission Cloning
- Employee Time Clock
Pricing Setup
- Pre-Paid Pricing Structures (Accounts & Timecodes)
- Full Customer Information Profiles (Accounts Only)
- No Charge Options (Telecentres & Schools)
- Single or Multiple Computer Pricing Groups
- Scheduled Pricing (Map pricing by day or hours)
- Discount Management
- Manual Timers (Xbox, Pool Tables, Laptops)
Full-Featured Point-of-Sale
- Full-Featured Point-of-Sale (320 Buttons)
- Touch Screen Sized Point-of-Sale (POS) Item buttons
- Tax Set Up (Up to 3 different taxes)
- Local Currency (Any Windows Currency Symbol)
- Inventory System
- Customer Order System
- Table Tabs (Non-Computer Table Billing)
- Printer Monitoring
- Multiple Printer Pricing
- Bandwidth Monitoring
- Sales and Event Logs
- Data Exports (4 formats: xls, csv, xml, pdf)
- Automated Database Backups
- Computer Reservations System
- Cash Drawer Configuration
- Barcode Scanner Configurations (Accounts & POS)
Gaming Center Features
- CD-Key Management
- Gaming Profile Management
- ESRB Rating Restrictions
- Customer Key Distribution
- WOL Network Card Compatible
- Touch Screen Friendly
- Receipt Printer Configuration
- Barcode Scanner Integration
- Scrolling Announcement Marquee
Customer Control & Communication Features
- Enable/Disable Internet Access
- Enable/Disable Windows Desktop
- Client End Sessions, Shutdowns, Reboots (from Server)
- Transfer Client Sessions
- Client Volume Controls (from Server)
- Server / Client Chat
Protect Your Business (Security)
- Drive Access Blocking (ex. C: )
- Windows Title Blocking (ex. XXX, porn)
- Disable Client Downloads
- Disable Client Hot-Keys
- Disable Client Control Panel
- Disable Client Windows System Features
- MSN Messenger Security
- Clear URL History at End-Session
- Disable New Files.., File Open.., Save As..
- Custom Client Side Help Text
- Password Protected Client Admin Screen